Janet Coffman, PhD, MPP, MA

Professor, Healthforce Center at UCSF
+1 415 476-2435

Janet Coffman is a Professor of Health Policy at Healthforce Center and the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies at UCSF. Over the past 25 years, she has authored numerous publications on the health care workforce in California and the United States, including reviews of literature on strategies for increasing racial/ethnic diversity in the health professions and analyses of data on the impact of Proposition 209 on the racial/ethnic diversity of California’s medical students. She has also conducted evaluations of multiple health workforce initiatives in California. She received a PhD in Health Services Research and a Master’s in Public Policy from the University of California, Berkeley.  


State Biomarker Testing Insurance Coverage Laws-Reply.


Lin GA, Coffman JM, Phillips KA

Disparities in pre-health advising across California's public universities.

PloS one

Rios-Fetchko F, Carson M, Tapia M, Fernandez A, Coffman J

Policy Considerations for Routine Screening for Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs).

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Shimkhada R, Miller J, Magnan E, Miller M, Coffman J, Corbett G

Lack of Racial and Ethnic Diversity Among Addiction Physicians.

Journal of general internal medicine

Garcia ME, Coffman J, Jordan A, Martin M

Scope-of-Practice for Nurse Practitioners and Adherence to Medications for Chronic Illness in Primary Care.

Journal of general internal medicine

Muench U, Whaley C, Coffman J, Spetz J

The Current State Of Telehealth Evidence: A Rapid Review.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Shigekawa E, Fix M, Corbett G, Roby DH, Coffman J

The effect of early child care attendance on childhood asthma and wheezing: A meta-analysis.

The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma

Swartz A, Collier T, Young CA, Cruz E, Bekmezian A, Coffman J, Celedon J, Alkon A, Cabana MD

Future Demand For Long-Term Care Workers Will Be Influenced By Demographic And Utilization Changes.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Spetz J, Trupin L, Bates T, Coffman JM

Electronic health record availability among advanced practice registered nurses and physicians.

The American journal of managed care

Coffman JM, Spetz J, Grumbach K, Fix M, Bindman AB

Calling all doctors: what type of insurance do you accept?

JAMA internal medicine

Bindman AB, Coffman JM

Patient reminder systems and asthma medication adherence: a systematic review.

The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma

Tran N, Coffman JM, Sumino K, Cabana MD

Recent developments in asthma education.

Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology

Cabana MD, Coffman JM

Physician communication regarding cost when prescribing asthma medication to children.

Clinical pediatrics

Patel MR, Coffman JM, Tseng CW, Clark NM, Cabana MD

Do physicians always flee from HMOs? New results using dynamic panel estimation methods.

Health services research

Brown TT, Coffman JM, Quinn BC, Scheffler RM, Schwalm DD

The impact of capitated financing on psychiatric emergency services.

Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)

Catalano RA, Coffman JM, Bloom JR, Ma Y, Kang SH

Minimum staffing ratios: the California workforce initiative survey.

Nursing economic$

Seago JA, Spetz J, Coffman J, Rosenoff E, O'Neil E

Minimum nurse-to-patient ratios in acute care hospitals in California.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Coffman JM, Seago JA, Spetz J

Measuring shortages of hospital nurses: how do you know a hospital with a nursing shortage when you see one?

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Grumbach K, Ash M, Seago JA, Spetz J, Coffman J

Hospital registered nurse shortages: environmental, patient, and institutional predictors.

Health services research

Seago JA, Ash M, Spetz J, Coffman J, Grumbach K

Racial/ethnic disparities in nursing.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Coffman JM, Rosenoff E, Grumbach K

Public policies to promote community-based and interdisciplinary health professions education.

Education for health (Abingdon, England)

Coffman J, Henderson T, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health

Maintaining an adequate supply of RNs in California.

Image--the journal of nursing scholarship

Coffman J, Spetz J

Independent practice association physician groups in California.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Grumbach K, Coffman J, Vranizan K, Blick N, O'Neil EH

Physician supply and medical education in California. A comparison with national trends.

The Western journal of medicine

Grumbach K, Coffman JM, Young JQ, Vranizan K, Blick N

Physicians and nurse practitioners--old conflicts and new opportunities.

The Western journal of medicine

Finocchio LJ, Coffman JM, Dower CM, O'Neil EH