
Supporting Latinx/URM students and physicians

At the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Latinx Center of Excellence (LCOE), we have six programs designed to increase the number of Latinx and underrepresented in medicine (UIM) physicians in California. These programs provide support and mentorship to students and physicians at all stages of their medical careers.

Pre-medical Undergraduate Programs

APP: Aspiring Physicians Program

The LCOE Aspiring Physicians Program (APP) is a premedical support program for students who identify as UIM, with an emphasis on Hispanic/Latinx, at Fresno State, UC Merced, and San Francisco State*. The program is comprised of a six-week intensive summer program and an academic year of mentoring, advising, and professional development. 

**UIM: Identify as one or more of the following race/ethnicity categories (alone or in combination with any other race/ethnicity category): American Indian or Alaska Native; Black or African American; Hispanic, Latino; or Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. 

Medical Student Programs

ALAS: Academic and Leadership Academy Summer Program

The ALAS program strengthens Latinx and underrepresented minority (URM) medical students’ ability to excel on the wards and supports the development of leadership skills. 

PROF-PATH: Promoting Research Opportunities Fully-Prospective Academics Transforming Health

PROF-PATH is an academic and research career training program for Latinx/UIM medical students interested in health disparities. 

Resident Programs

SALUD: Shaping Academic Leaders in Diversity

The SALUD program increases individual and group mentorship available to Latinx/UIM residents at UCSF. SALUD encourages residents to consider academic careers.

Faculty Programs

FUEGO: Faculty at UCSF Expanding Growth and Opportunities

Faculty at UCSF Expanding Growth & Opportunities (FUEGO) is a faculty/fellow development program that enhances UCSF’s ability to recruit, retain, and promote Latinx and other UIM Faculty and fellows. 

Community Clinics 

CMB: Clínica Martín-Baró

This student-run clinic in the Mission neighborhood helps address the medical needs of the predominantly uninsured Latinx day laborers.