Denise Connor, MD

Professor of Clinical Medicine, Department of Medicine

Denise M. Connor, MD is an Associate Professor of Medicine and the Gold-Headed Cane Endowed Teaching Chair in Internal Medicine at UCSF with her clinical home in the Hospital Medicine Division at the SFVA. She directs the School of Medicine’s Diagnostic Reasoning course, emphasizing the roles of patients and colleagues in the reasoning process. Dr. Connor is devoted to promoting equity and inclusion in medical education and is the Director of UCSF’s Anti-Oppression/Social Justice curriculum. 

Dr. Connor pairs her scholarly interests in clinical reasoning and curriculum design with a focus on promoting diversity, equity and inclusion within medical education. Dr. Connor is a member of the LCOE Administrative Core Faculty and the co-director of the Academic and Leadership Academy (ALAS) Program.


Clerkship Students' Use of Clinical Reasoning Concepts After a Pre-clinical Reasoning Course.

Journal of general internal medicine

Kulkarni SA, Dhaliwal G, Teherani A, Connor DM

Academic Leadership Academy Summer Program: Clerkship Transition Preparation for Underrepresented in Medicine Medical Students.

Teaching and learning in medicine

Connor DM, Fernandez A, Alba-Nguyen S, Collins S, Teherani A

Moving upstream to address diagnostic disparities.

BMJ quality & safety

Connor DM, Dhaliwal G

Five strategies for clinicians to advance diagnostic excellence.

BMJ (Clinical research ed.)

Singh H, Connor DM, Dhaliwal G

A clinical reasoning curriculum for medical students: an interim analysis.

Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany)

Connor DM, Narayana S, Dhaliwal G

Emphasizing Empathy in Communicating About Uncertainty by Using a Dialogic Approach.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Chou CL, Connor DM, Santhosh L

Clinical Reasoning as a Core Competency.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Connor DM, Durning SJ, Rencic JJ

Off Trail, On Track: an Exercise in Clinical Reasoning.

Journal of general internal medicine

Zejnullahu K, Santhosh L, Mourad M, Connor DM

Diagnostic uncertainty: from education to communication.

Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany)

Santhosh L, Chou CL, Connor DM

A Curriculum for Diagnostic Reasoning: JGIM's Exercises in Clinical Reasoning.

Journal of general internal medicine

Subramanian A, Connor DM, Berger G, Lessing JN, Mehta N, Manesh R, Kohlwes J

Blind Obedience and an Unnecessary Workup for Hypoglycemia: A Teachable Moment.

JAMA internal medicine

Wang EY, Patrick L, Connor DM

When the Script Doesn't Fit: An Exercise in Clinical Reasoning.

Journal of general internal medicine

Wheeler DJ, Cascino T, Sharpe BA, Connor DM

Improving clerkship preparedness: a hospital medicine elective for pre-clerkship students.

Medical education online

Connor DM, Conlon PJ, O'Brien BC, Chou CL

The Unbefriended Patient: An Exercise in Ethical Clinical Reasoning.

Journal of general internal medicine

Connor DM, Elkin GD, Lee K, Thompson V, Whelan H

When less is more for the struggling clinical reasoner.

Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany)

Connor DM, Dhaliwal G

Impact of automatic orders to discontinue vancomycin therapy on vancomycin use in an antimicrobial stewardship program.

Infection control and hospital epidemiology

Connor DM, Binkley S, Fishman NO, Gasink LB, Linkin D, Lautenbach E

Kappa opioid receptors in the rostral ventromedial medulla of male and female rats.

The Journal of comparative neurology

Drake CT, De Oliveira AX, Harris JA, Connor DM, Winkler CW, Aicher SA