Martha Vargas, MD

Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry

I am an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and provide direct patient care to individuals with serious mental illnesses hospitalized in a psychiatric inpatient unit at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG). I also served as chief resident at ZSFG during my senior year of residency where I worked closely with residents. Additionally, I work closely with medical students rotating on their psychiatry clerkship. As a result of these roles, I have experience in supporting learners in their advancement in academic medicine. Through the Latinx Center of Excellence, I serve as core faculty in PROF-PATH. I am looking forward to incorporating additional teaching on well-being and resilience into the PROF-PATH curriculum and will also give talks to the undergraduates in the APP program. The LCOE has been an inspiring force at UCSF and I am fortunate to work with this outstanding team.


Neuron numbers increase in the human amygdala from birth to adulthood, but not in autism.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Avino TA, Barger N, Vargas MV, Carlson EL, Amaral DG, Bauman MD, Schumann CM