William Martinez, PhD

Affiliated Faculty, LCOE
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

William Martinez, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco and Director of the Child and Adolescent Services clinic in the Division of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychiatry at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. He is currently the co-chair of the steering committee for the UCSF Health and Human Rights Initiative and principal investigator of the Fuerte program, a school-based group prevention program targeting newcomer Latin American immigrant youth at risk of behavioral health concerns due to immigration-related stressors and psychological trauma. His overall clinical and research aims are concentrated on reducing behavioral health disparities among ethnic minority youth, with a specific focus on Latinx and immigrant populations.


Psychological science and immigration today. Report of the Presidential Task Force on Immigration and Health

Psychological science and immigration today. Report of the Presidential Task Force on Immigration and Health

American Psychological Association

"Estuvimos en una hielera": Migration trauma and detainment among newcomer Latinx adolescents.

Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy

Palacios MP, Patel SG, Martinez W, Reed DE, Liu KYE, Mercado A

School-Based Behavioral Health Programming for Newcomer Youth: A Scoping Review.

Academic pediatrics

Martinez W, Jimenez-Salazar MC, Suárez-Orozco C

The Provision and Utilization of Telehealth within Academic Mental Health Clinics in North America during the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Oblath R, Twohy E, Higdon C, Duncan A, Folk JB, Schiel MA, Grewal S, Hawks JL, Martinez W, Coble K, Edwards S, Goetz A, Ramtekkar U, Kulkarni CA, Khan S, Doan BT, Nallapula K, Fornari V, Fortuna LR, Myers K

Mental health and adaptation among newcomer immigrant youth in United States educational settings.

Current opinion in psychology

Patel SG, Bouche V, Thomas I, Martinez W

Intolerance of Uncertainty and Health-Related Anxiety in Youth amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Understanding and Weathering the Continuing Storm.

Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings

Korte C, Friedberg RD, Wilgenbusch T, Paternostro JK, Brown K, Kakolu A, Tiller-Ormord J, Baweja R, Cassar M, Barnowski A, Movahedi Y, Kohl K, Martinez W, Trafalis S, Leykin Y

"Se extraña todo:" Family separation and reunification experiences among unaccompanied adolescent migrants from Central America.

New directions for child and adolescent development

Patel SG, Bouche V, Martinez W, Barajas K, Garcia A, Sztainer M, Hawkins K

In A. Breland-Noble (Ed.), Community Mental Health Engagement with Racially Diverse Populations

Patient and community engagement for mental health disparities in Latinx youth immigrant populations: The Fuerte program

Martinez, W., Matlow, R., Farahmand, F., Rocha, M. Romano, A., Romero, M., Cooch, P., Chhabra, D., San Miguel, R., Quintanilla, A.

Treatment of Migrant Children on the US Southern Border Is Torture.


Oberg C, Kivlahan C, Mishori R, Martinez W, Raul Gutierrez J, Noor Z, Goldhagen J

Pediatric Trainees' Speaking Up About Unprofessional Behavior and Traditional Patient Safety Threats.

Academic pediatrics

Kesselheim JC, Shelburne JT, Bell SK, Etchegaray JM, Lehmann LS, Thomas EJ, Martinez W

The relationship between maternal responsivity, socioeconomic status, and resting autonomic nervous system functioning in Mexican American children.

International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology

Johnson M, Deardorff J, Davis EL, Martinez W, Eskenazi B, Alkon A

Barriers to Integrating Mental Health Services in Community-Based Primary Care Settings in Mexico City: A Qualitative Analysis.

Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.)

Martinez W, Galván J, Saavedra N, Berenzon S

In P. Sturmey & M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of Evidence-based Practice in Clinical Psychology: Volume 1 Child and Adolescent Disorders

Depressive disorders in children and adolescents

Martinez, W., Zychinski, K., & Polo, A.J.

Family orientation, language, and anxiety among low-income Latino youth.

Journal of anxiety disorders

Martinez W, Polo AJ, Carter JS

Social competence in children with chronic illness: a meta-analytic review.

Journal of pediatric psychology

Martinez W, Carter JS, Legato LJ