
Scaling Up Pharmacist-Led Blood Pressure Control Programs in Black Barbershops: Projected Population Health Impact and Value.


Kazi DS, Wei PC, Penko J, Bellows BK, Coxson P, Bryant KB, Fontil V, Blyler CA, Lyles C, Lynch K, Ebinger J, Zhang Y, Tajeu GS, Boylan R, Pletcher MJ, Rader F, Moran AE, Bibbins-Domingo K

Cost-effectiveness of Hypertension Treatment by Pharmacists in Black Barbershops.


Bryant KB, Moran AE, Kazi DS, Zhang Y, Penko J, Ruiz-Negrón N, Coxson P, Blyler CA, Lynch K, Cohen LP, Tajeu GS, Fontil V, Moy NB, Ebinger JE, Rader F, Bibbins-Domingo K, Bellows BK

Abstract P282: A Simple Clinical Scoring System Using Readily Available Clinical Measures for Prediction of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Evidence From the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA).


Luis A Rodriguez, Stephen Shiboski, Patrick Bradshaw, Alicia Fernandez, David M Herrington, Jingzhong Ding, Ryan D Bradley, Alka M Kanaya

The American Heart Association 2030 Impact Goal: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association.


Angell SY, McConnell MV, Anderson CAM, Bibbins-Domingo K, Boyle DS, Capewell S, Ezzati M, de Ferranti S, Gaskin DJ, Goetzel RZ, Huffman MD, Jones M, Khan YM, Kim S, Kumanyika SK, McCray AT, Merritt RK, Milstein B, Mozaffarian D, Norris T, Roth GA, Sacco RL, Saucedo JF, Shay CM, Siedzik D, Saha S, Warner JJ

Potential Cardiovascular Disease Events Prevented with Adoption of the 2017 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Blood Pressure Guideline.


Bress AP, Colantonio LD, Cooper RS, Kramer H, Booth JN, Odden MC, Bibbins-Domingo K, Shimbo D, Whelton PK, Levitan EB, Howard G, Bellows BK, Kleindorfer D, Safford MM, Muntner P, Moran AE

Evaluating the Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of Statin Use Guidelines for Primary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke.


Heller DJ, Coxson PG, Penko J, Pletcher MJ, Goldman L, Odden MC, Kazi DS, Bibbins-Domingo K

Multisite randomized trial of a single-session versus multisession literacy-sensitive self-care intervention for patients with heart failure.


DeWalt DA, Schillinger D, Ruo B, Bibbins-Domingo K, Baker DW, Holmes GM, Weinberger M, Macabasco-O'Connell A, Broucksou K, Hawk V, Grady KL, Erman B, Sueta CA, Chang PP, Cene CW, Wu JR, Jones CD, Pignone M

Cost-effectiveness of statin therapy for primary prevention in a low-cost statin era.


Lazar LD, Pletcher MJ, Coxson PG, Bibbins-Domingo K, Goldman L
