UCSF’s innovative, collaborative approach to patient care, research and education spans disciplines across the life sciences, making it a world leader in scientific discovery and its translation to improving health.
Dr. Peterson oversees the continued development of UCSF Fresno’s clinical and academic programs as Associate Dean at UCSF Fresno. He has been chief of medicine at UCSF Fresno for the past 15 years and he serves as vice chair in the Department of Medicine at UCSF. His clinical and research focus is in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine.
Peter Chin-Hong is Associate Dean for Regional Campuses. He is a medical educator who specializes in treating infectious diseases, particularly infections that develop in patients who have suppressed immune systems, such as solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. He directs the immunocompromised host infectious diseases program at UCSF.
Executive Director, UCSF National Center of Excellence in Women's Health
Judy Young is the Executive Director of the National Center of Excellence (CoE) in Women’s Health. As an educator and mentor, activist and advocate, and life-long learner, Judy embraces the mission of the CoE and brings a multi-dimensional lens to addressing health inequities, disparities and social change. Judy joined UCSF in 2006 to be the Program Director for Fostering Excellence in Women’s Health, a multi-year, multi-million dollar national program that enhanced academic-community partnerships in women’s health across the national network of Centers of Excellence in Women’s Health.
Professor of Medicine, Director of Center for Vulnerable Populations
Margot Kushel, MD is a Professor of Medicine and Division Chief at the Division of Health Equity and Society at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center and Director of the UCSF Action Research Center for Health Equity (formerly Center for Vulnerable Populations) and UCSF Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative. Margot's research focuses on reducing the burden of homelessness on health through examining efforts to prevent and end homelessness and mitigating the effects of housing instability on health care outcomes.
Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean for Clinical Innovation
Dr. Ralph Gonzales is Associate Dean for Clinical Innovation and Chief Innovation Officer for UCSF Health. His research has played a significant role in national and global efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance by improving antibiotic prescribing practices - the body of which provides a successful roadmap for translating evidence into practice, policy and public health. Dr Gonzales’ research is multidisciplinary, patient-centered, and informed by relevant stakeholders and policy makers such as the CDC, NCQA, professional societies and community clinicians and patients.
Janet Coffman is a Professor of Health Policy at Healthforce Center and the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies at UCSF. Over the past 25 years, she has authored numerous publications on the health care workforce in California and the United States, including reviews of literature on strategies for increasing racial/ethnic diversity in the health professions and analyses of data on the impact of Proposition 209 on the racial/ethnic diversity of California’s medical students. She has also conducted evaluations of multiple health workforce initiatives in California.
Kevin Grumbach, MD, is the Hellman Endowed Professor of Family and Community Medicine and Chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine at UCSF. He founded the UCSF Center for Excellence in Primary Care and is Co-Director of the Community Engagement and Health Policy Program for the UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute. His research on primary care workforce, innovations in the delivery of primary care, racial and ethnic diversity in the health professions, and community health improvement have widely influenced policy and practice.
Chief of Pediatrics, ZSFG; Vice Dean, Academic Affairs
Elena Fuentes-Afflick, MD, MPH, is a Professor, Chief of Pediatrics at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, and Vice Dean for Academic Affairs in the School of Medicine at UCSF. She obtained her undergraduate and medical degrees at the University of Michigan and an MPH in Epidemiology at UC Berkeley. Her scholarly work has focused on Latino health, acculturation, immigrant health, health disparities, faculty misconduct, and faculty development.
J. Renee Navarro, PharmD, MD is the Vice Chancellor of Diversity and Outreach and Chief Diversity and Outreach Officer for UCSF. Dr. Navarro drives diversity initiatives and best practices, and leads the strategy for diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism efforts at UCSF. As a faculty leader, she has held several clinical leadership positions at SFGH, including Acting Chief of Anesthesia, Chair of the Risk Management Committee, Medical Director of Perioperative Services, and Chief of the Medical Staff.